For Physicians & Referring Specialists

Our Patient Care Concept

As you know, neurologic and neurosurgical issues can be difficult to diagnose and treat. They frequently require not only multiple diagnostic test/procedures but also the input of several consultants. We are committed to providing the best care of your patients. We will help to direct your patients through what can be a maze of issues, tests and consultants, thereby streamlining the process towards treatment. During weekly case presentation meetings we have developed relationships with a team of consultants including interventional neuro-radiologists, neurologists, vascular surgeons, neuro-otologists, endocrinologists, pain management specialists, critical care specialists, medical and radiation oncologists. We have a great deal of confidence in these specialists, who are dedicated to providing the Coachella Valley area and surrounding communities with the highest quality of healthcare.

We appreciate any input you may have in the care of your patient, including recommending a consultant that you have worked with.

Referral process

Call 760.837.8020 and speak directly with our office scheduler. or Fax a referral letter or most recent office notes concerning the reason for consult with a copy of the patients demographic and Insurance information with the recent MRI/CT Myelogram report to 760.834.3780.

The patient will need to bring the following:

  • Plain X-rays, of involved area, within six months: A/P and Lateral
  • Closed MRI, of involved area, within six months. May have CT Myelogram if patient has a pacemaker or is otherwise unable to have MRI. (An open MRI is generally not optimal for surgical decision making)
  • Patients may bring additional records or studies done pertaining to the affected area, including old films.

Patients are to bring all films with them. If you have questions, or are unable to provide the requested information, please call us at 760.834.3780.

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